The Bear And The Maiden Fair – Game Of Thrones REVIEW [S03xE6] [CONTAINS SPOILERS]

Yet another thrilling instalment of Game Of Thrones and yet another episode filled with tension, love, laughs and cliffhangers!


This episode showed us that Daenerys ain’t fucking about when it comes to being the ‘Breaker of chains and mother of dragons.’ It appears that Daenerys is like a Spartacus with more fire power (I couldn’t resist, I’m sorry). How big have her dragons got though? I love how feisty the purple one is. Daenerys will not be messed with and she’s scary.

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Theon, where the hell is that guy?! One of the most powerful scenes in terms of psychology. The girls start looking after him and he’s all resistant and then you’re sat there like “this can’t be happening, where’s that creepy guy? There’s got to be a twist!” and it just goes on and on. So long that in fact, like Theon, you forget where he is and you let your guard down just as the creepy guys sounds the alarm, or trumpet, and brings us crashing down to reality. The next part is particularly savage and thankfully it blurs out just as, what we expect is happening, he castrates Theon of his manhood.


Finally someone told Gendry that his dad was King Baratheon. About time right? Now he knows that he isn’t just any bastard and actually he’s the rightful aire to the Iron Throne. Quite right too. I don’t trust that crazy fire woman though, there are things about her that I like but she’s mental too. Maybe she’ll sex this guy too and create another crazy shadow demon thing.


Rob’s knocked up his new bird, surprise surprise, am I the only one that hates her? Am I meant to hate her? She’s the only woman in the show that I’d rather not see naked and yet there she is, bare bottom in the air being all “sexy” if you like that. She’s distracting Rob from the war and basically fucking shit up for him really. I guess love is blind and all that stuff.

Bran wants to go North of the wall and we learn just why he really shouldn’t go there. I love that Game Of Thrones has zombies in it, or ‘white walkers’. They’re fucking scary as shit. So now he’s back on track to Castle Black, along with the wildlings.


Ygritte and Jon Snow are heading that way and we find out why that bird whisperer man hates Jon Snow so much, Jon’s pretty and he’s bedding the woman he loves. I can’t help but feel they’re all going to die but one thing is certain: most people are heading to castle black.


Grampa Lannister puts Joffrey in his place and about time. I love the way that Joffrey thinks he holds the power when in reality he holds very little. I also loved the bit when Joffrey complains that he has to climb his Gramp’s tower to get to council meetings and Grampa Lannister says “We could arrange to have you carried”. Gramps isn’t taking any of his shit.


My favourite Lannister is a proper gentlemen in this episode. Just when I thought I couldn’t love the Kinglsayer anymore and he bloody saves her from a bear, as well as quite possible multiple rape attacks and being murdered. I love it all. How intense was this scene though? The scratch mark on Brienne’s neck looks horrific and for a short time I was ver convinced she would in fact be eaten by that bear. Jamie jumps in, jumps in front of her and saves her. Even with one hand missing he’s saving lives. I can’t believe a character I despised is now one I love. I can’t wait for Brienne and Cersei to meet. The jealousy is going to be HUGE. This should be soon as he’s heading back to King’s Landing.


Talking of which, Margaery is trying to teach Sansa how to the make the best of a bad situation, by basically telling her that Tyrian is meant to be good in the sack. It’s also quite funny how innocent Sansa really is and how much Tyrian is coming round to the idea of their wedding, even if he won’t admit it! I love Margaery by the way and her whole family. They’re hard as balls and if anyone can deal with the mentalist psycho that is Joffrey, it’s probably her. Maybe.


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